
Blow Up Talks | Damien Poulain and Steve Messam Designing with air

Join the Blow Up Talks and listen to the inspiring stories of internationally acclaimed designers. During this evening, unique designers will give an insight into their working methods and sources of inspiration. How do these creatives use air as an element in a design? And what does it mean to them to create 3-dimensional work?

This week (22/08) the spotlight is on Steve Messam and Damien Poulain. Damien Poulain takes you through his colorful practice and all the varied projects – from tennis courts to masks – that go along with it. Steve Messam delves deeper into the huge inflatables and takes visitors through his unique and recognizable work and practice.

The Blow Up Talks are in English and open to everyone. It is a physical event with a limited number of seats.

Claim your ticket here (5 euro including consumption).

After each presentation, there is of course time for a Q&A with the designers where you can share your own insights and questions. Afterwards we are happy to chat and network at the bar!

These evenings are part of the 2023 Summer School ‘Blow Up/Blow Out’ program and free for masterclass participants.