
Ministerie van Huh? Breda Eenvoudig

For people that are functionally illiterate, it can be difficult to participate in society. The problem is often directed back at the person involved. The Ministerie van Huh (Ministry of Huh) takes a different approach; functional illiteracy as an organisational problem. What can organisations do, to limit the consequences of functional illiteracy?

During this final gathering, the partners of Breda Eenvoudig will get together to discuss the results of the four workshops and create an overview of the next steps. Organisations that also have plans to simplify their communication are more than welcome to join.

With the new programme ‘Huh, wat bedoelt u’ (Huh, what do you mean), Breda offers resilience to all those that are functionally illiterate. Four in-depth workshops closely examine the combination of functional illiteracy with legal jargon, visual language, customer service and safety. During these workshops, participants will share their experiences and experts will shed light on the topic. People that are functionally illiterate will give their feedback. The acquired knowledge and experiences will be incorporated into the ‘Huh, wat bedoelt u’ programme.

This workshop is fully booked!
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