We bieden de mogelijkheid tot een selectie aanvullende workshops bij jou op school om studenten verder te inspireren, skills bij te brengen en te enthousiasmeren voor het thema typografie en letters.
Elke workshop duurt ongeveer 3 uur en kost €600,-.
Geïnteresseerd of meer informatie? Contacteer ons voor de mogelijkheden.
Breaking down letters into fundamental forms can make the their reconstruction a lot simpler and also lead to unexpected results. In this workshop, participants will be using simple shapes to build up letterforms from A–Z creating their very own unique typeface. As a group, we will then take these constructed letters and use them to create bigger letterforms.
From blocks to letters to bigger letters.
Every participant’s alphabet will be digitised and made available as a working font on the website of Full Auto Foundry during the class.
Full Auto Foundry is a workshop based type foundry that explores how manual drawing tools and digital automation can influence the design and creation of typefaces. By the end of every workshop the participants have a fully functioning typeface that can be used in whatever way they would like.
Let op: Deze workshop is Engelstalig
Check hier de Instagram en website van Full Auto Foundry;
En de Instagram en website van Benjamin McMillan.
Dit bericht op Instagram bekijken