De corona-crisis heeft ons dagelijks leven drastisch veranderd, maar dat betekent niet dat het leven stil staat! Daarom bieden we jullie de kans om op 16 juni gratis (!!) deel te nemen aan de Keep an Eye masterclass ‘Information is Beautiful’ door journalist, datadesigner en schrijver David McCandless.
Dankzij de steun van de Keep an Eye Foundation kunnen ontwerpers gratis deelnemen, in plaats van de kostprijs van €229,—.
Algemene voorwaarden
Kosten en inschrijving
- De masterclass is toegankelijk voor ontwerpers tot 36 jaar.
- Er zijn 15 plaatsen beschikbaar voor zowel Nederlandse als internationale deelnemers.
- Inschrijven kan tot 20 mei.
- Deelnemers worden geselecteerd op basis van motivatie en kunnen zich inschrijven onderstaand formulier.
- Deelnemers horen uiterlijk 5 juni of ze zijn geselecteerd.
- Deelname is gratis. Na de selectie volgt meer informatie.
- De masterclass is Engelstalig.
- De masterclass vindt plaats via de gratis Zoom app.
Over de masterclass
In this rare virtual workshop, David McCandless, founder of Information is Beautiful, shares his concept-driven process and method for creating successful visualisations, giving you a chance to ask questions and get feedback on your work.
Expect a fun, informative virtual experience that is interactive and hands-on. All with a solid underpinning of theory and best practice.

What will you learn?
- Concepting and the generation of good, interesting ideas ripe for visualisation.
- Creating, selecting and executing appropriate and effective charts and visualisations.
- Designing and beautifying charts and diagrams.
This workshop is for designers who;
- wishing to translate written reports, research and messaging into impactful visual form,
- wanting to better understand the practice of data journalism and storytelling with data,
- needing to succinctly communicate issues or data points to specific audiences,
- who is a “words and ideas” person looking to translate their concepts into design language,
- who is a “visual/design thinker” wanting to expand their approach to include data,
- who is a “data/code” person looking to improve aesthetics and conceptual prowess.

What you will need:
- Access to a laptop or computer with internet connectivity. The workshop is hosted in an online virtual meeting space, available via the free Zoom app.
- Camera/video is optional.
- Paper and pens. Expect some fun collaboration in virtual breakout spaces.
- You may also want to bring data or problems you are currently working with, so you can see if applying the Information Is Beautiful lens can help you find a solution or expression of your data.
- The workshop will start at 10:00 am.
- There will be two breaks of approximately 15 minutes and one-hour lunchbreak.
- The event will end at approximately 15:00 pm.
- This event is for attendees on a European timezone.