During the fourth Summer School from 20-22 August, you develop (new) skills, make friends and meet design legends. Every year, we attach a theme to the three-day masterclasses. This edition is all about ‘Typical Characters’, which is also our 2024/2025 programme.
Letters and characters: from a young age, we learn to use them without actually questioning them. Do you look at letters differently when you delve into the origin or future of characters and realise what meaning they (can) carry with them?
Letters, signs and typography take centre stage for three days. Within (graphic) design, typography often plays an important role. Characters are not only essential for effective communication, but also for cultural understanding and inclusion. The masterclasses give depth to this theme from an investigative, craft and future-oriented perspective.
On Tuesday morning, we kick off the Summer School with the Morning Talks. The three masters each give an insight into their working methods and inspiration through a presentation. For Summer School participants this is free, for other interested people a ticket is €10,- including coffee, tea and a croissant to get your day off to a good start.
Throughout the three days, we also offer an optional evening programme so there is also time for relaxation, socialising and drinks after a hard day’s work. For example, chilling out with live music in the park, a movie night and dining together.
Regular tickets cost just €129 for students and €199 for professionals. A ticket includes lunch/coffee/tea/water for three days and a ticket for the Morning Talks.